Silver or Tooth-Colored Fillings: Which is Better?

Most people have their tooth filled instead of undergoing extraction. Tooth filling is actually a better alternative for tooth extraction the natural tooth can still be saved.

Tooth filling is defined as the restorative treatment to bring back the function and integrity of the tooth structure, which is usually damaged by caries or trauma. Tooth filling is a common dental procedure and can only be efficiently treated by competitive dentists. The Newport Beach Dentistry houses proficient dentists to proceed with tooth fillings. The only question is: Is tooth-colored filling better than silver?

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Most patients opt for tooth-colored fillings since they mimic the colors of the natural teeth. They blend with the color of the surrounding teeth so that the actual filling will not be noticed. This is usually chosen by patients who had their fillings positioned on their front teeth. This type of filling also has no health risk even if it is used with silver fillings. There are also reports of less discomfort and sensitivity when compared to the other type.

Good Dental Habits

However, there are few cons of this kind of filling. Tooth-colored fillings are actually more expensive than the silver ones. On the part of the dentist, these fillings also require a more laborious task as the type of color should match the surrounding teeth. That is why it is important to choose a qualified dentist to perform this procedure.

Silver Fillings

Silver fillings may seem inferior to the tooth-colored ones, but some dentists still recommend them over the other. This is due to the fact that the treatment will take less time and does not require any advanced tools. As a result, the whole procedure is more affordable. It also has a good record of long-term success and safety, so dentists are more comfortable doing it for the sake of long-term benefits.

However, silver fillings do not resemble the color of the surrounding teeth. They also require removing a great amount of tooth structure just to place the fillings in. Silver also expands when the temperature changes.

These are the pros and cons of both fillings. To know better, it is best to visit the Newport Beach Dentistry at





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