What is a Smile Makeover?

A smile can reflect your disposition in life. A perfect smile gives a distinct vibrancy of your personality, so people can appreciate you more. However, smiling can be a struggle when you begin to experience tooth loss, cavities, and misalignment. Good thing, there is a way to correct these problems.

Smile makeover is done to bring back the glow of your smile. It is a combination of different cosmetic dental treatments to achieve a perfect set of white teeth. An Orange County dentist can help you recover your smile by means of different procedures.



Bonding is used to correct minor dental problems, such as gaps, tooth cracks, discoloration, and stains. Bonding is done by initially applying a conditioning solution to the surface of the tooth. This will ensure that the tooth will bond with the materials that will correct any imperfections.


Crowns are done to repair the teeth damaged by cavities, or when a tooth has severely incurred damages from fillings. A dental crown will cap the tooth permanently, so it can appear just like a normal tooth once again. This procedure is done by using a porcelain material to resemble the color and shape of the teeth. Dentals crowns are also used in treating tooth sensitivities.


Contouring is a quick-fix option to correct misaligned teeth. The edges are smoothed out so they can appear straight and aligned. Each tooth can also be shaped individually to achieve a perfect, even smile. This procedure can take about 30 minutes or so, and can be combined with other methods such as bonding or veneers.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are for severe cases, which permanently resolve any missing tooth. In this procedure, the tooth may be extracted first and replaced with an artificial one. The whole procedure takes time, but it does offer a permanent solution to achieve a healthy smile.

Gum Lifts

The gums are also important in achieving a healthy smile, and should therefore be treated well. Gum lifts are done to remove the excess tissue surrounding the teeth. This will reveal more of your teeth so you can smile with a perfect glow.


An Orange County dentist has everything you will need for a smile makeover.


What is Tooth Extraction?

Tooth extraction is one of the most common treatments in severely damaged tooth. While there are other alternatives for it, many dentists will eventually recommend the execution of this treatment.

Tooth extraction, in its simplest definition, is described as the clinical process of pulling a tooth out so that it will not cause serious pain anymore. This is usually done to kids with damaged tooth due to improper dental hygiene and poor food choices. In adults, it is mainly due to different factors.

tooth extraction

A dentist in Orange Country specializes in diagnosing and performing tooth extraction. He explains the basics of tooth extraction below.

Causes of Tooth Extraction

The main reason for undergoing tooth extraction is decaying of tooth which usually comes from poor dental hygiene. However there are other reasons why patients go through this procedure. A crowded mouth, for example, may need tooth extraction, so that the teeth can be aligned perfectly. The dentist will need to prepare the patient for orthodontia to ensure that the teeth are properly treated for alignment. In this case, the tooth is extracted when it cannot erupt due to big-sized teeth or limited space in the mouth.

Another reason for tooth extraction is tooth decay resulting to damaged pulp. The pulp contains the nerve and blood vessels, so when the infection reaches the pulp, deep pain is experienced. This case can be treated well with a root canal treatment, but if it reaches a critical condition, the dentist will most likely recommend tooth extraction to prevent the spread of infection. It is good to avoid the spread of infection as it has a direct effect on the immune system.

After-Treatment Effects

Since tooth surgery involves pulling the tooth out of the mouth, there are certain expectations after the procedure is done. It is common for dentists to prescribe pain killers to better manage the soreness. Some would recommend rinsing the mouth for 24 hours with a mixture of salt and warm water. This will further alleviate the pain and ensure no infection. For the a few days, it is best to consume soft foods such as pudding, soups, and starchy vegetables.

These are just some of the basic information about tooth extraction. The dentist in Orange Country can better help you in terms of seeking the best treatment for different dental problems. For more information, visit http://www.designedsmiles.com/.

photo: creeksideoralsurgery