What to Expect When You Are Wearing Invisalign

You visited your dentist and it seems that you need to have your teeth aligned. Of course, you do not want those metal braces hanging out around your teeth while you smile, so you opt for an alternative. Good thing, you are a perfect candidate for Invisalign. You are now on your way to achieve that perfect smile without having to hide those metal braces.

brea invisalign

La Habra Invisalign is the most recent solution in correcting teeth misalignment. It is a great alternative to other treatments as it comes with better advantages. One, it allows you to clean your teeth thoroughly. Two, it is not as painful as the metal braces. And finally, it is virtually invisible. The only thing you need to do is to prepare for it and expect these following outcomes.

  1. No pain, no gain. Sure, Invisalign does not inflict pain as much as metal braces do. However, it does not mean you are not going to feel any pain. Expect painful sensations upon the first 48 hours of wearing them. This means your teeth are actually adjusting to proper alignment. Your dentist may prescribe you with simple pain killers to manage the pain. Aside from this, you may also experience some pain after every adjustment of the Invisalign, which is probably after every two weeks.
  2. Something “feels” stuck. After a few weeks, you may feel that something might be stuck between your teeth. Do not worry; it is a normal sensation since your teeth are adjusting to the right position. Usually, you are to check your teeth for any problem with your tongue. Avoid this habit as it may cause soreness on your tongue.
  3. It gets better in time. You will eventually get used to wearing your Invisalign. It is ideal that you wear them at least 20 hours daily. Also, remember to practice good oral hygiene to prevent any cavities and other problems. This will speed up the alignment process and you will immediately achieve a radiant smile.

Invisalign is truly a great alternative to metal braces. Know if you are a candidate for it by visiting your doctor today. For more information, visit La Habra Invisalign at http://www.designedsmiles.com/invisalign.php.


What is a Smile Makeover?

A smile can reflect your disposition in life. A perfect smile gives a distinct vibrancy of your personality, so people can appreciate you more. However, smiling can be a struggle when you begin to experience tooth loss, cavities, and misalignment. Good thing, there is a way to correct these problems.

Smile makeover is done to bring back the glow of your smile. It is a combination of different cosmetic dental treatments to achieve a perfect set of white teeth. An Orange County dentist can help you recover your smile by means of different procedures.



Bonding is used to correct minor dental problems, such as gaps, tooth cracks, discoloration, and stains. Bonding is done by initially applying a conditioning solution to the surface of the tooth. This will ensure that the tooth will bond with the materials that will correct any imperfections.


Crowns are done to repair the teeth damaged by cavities, or when a tooth has severely incurred damages from fillings. A dental crown will cap the tooth permanently, so it can appear just like a normal tooth once again. This procedure is done by using a porcelain material to resemble the color and shape of the teeth. Dentals crowns are also used in treating tooth sensitivities.


Contouring is a quick-fix option to correct misaligned teeth. The edges are smoothed out so they can appear straight and aligned. Each tooth can also be shaped individually to achieve a perfect, even smile. This procedure can take about 30 minutes or so, and can be combined with other methods such as bonding or veneers.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are for severe cases, which permanently resolve any missing tooth. In this procedure, the tooth may be extracted first and replaced with an artificial one. The whole procedure takes time, but it does offer a permanent solution to achieve a healthy smile.

Gum Lifts

The gums are also important in achieving a healthy smile, and should therefore be treated well. Gum lifts are done to remove the excess tissue surrounding the teeth. This will reveal more of your teeth so you can smile with a perfect glow.


An Orange County dentist has everything you will need for a smile makeover.


What is Tooth Extraction?

Tooth extraction is one of the most common treatments in severely damaged tooth. While there are other alternatives for it, many dentists will eventually recommend the execution of this treatment.

Tooth extraction, in its simplest definition, is described as the clinical process of pulling a tooth out so that it will not cause serious pain anymore. This is usually done to kids with damaged tooth due to improper dental hygiene and poor food choices. In adults, it is mainly due to different factors.

tooth extraction

A dentist in Orange Country specializes in diagnosing and performing tooth extraction. He explains the basics of tooth extraction below.

Causes of Tooth Extraction

The main reason for undergoing tooth extraction is decaying of tooth which usually comes from poor dental hygiene. However there are other reasons why patients go through this procedure. A crowded mouth, for example, may need tooth extraction, so that the teeth can be aligned perfectly. The dentist will need to prepare the patient for orthodontia to ensure that the teeth are properly treated for alignment. In this case, the tooth is extracted when it cannot erupt due to big-sized teeth or limited space in the mouth.

Another reason for tooth extraction is tooth decay resulting to damaged pulp. The pulp contains the nerve and blood vessels, so when the infection reaches the pulp, deep pain is experienced. This case can be treated well with a root canal treatment, but if it reaches a critical condition, the dentist will most likely recommend tooth extraction to prevent the spread of infection. It is good to avoid the spread of infection as it has a direct effect on the immune system.

After-Treatment Effects

Since tooth surgery involves pulling the tooth out of the mouth, there are certain expectations after the procedure is done. It is common for dentists to prescribe pain killers to better manage the soreness. Some would recommend rinsing the mouth for 24 hours with a mixture of salt and warm water. This will further alleviate the pain and ensure no infection. For the a few days, it is best to consume soft foods such as pudding, soups, and starchy vegetables.

These are just some of the basic information about tooth extraction. The dentist in Orange Country can better help you in terms of seeking the best treatment for different dental problems. For more information, visit http://www.designedsmiles.com/.

photo: creeksideoralsurgery





Do You Need To Have A Root Canal Treatment?

Many people do not like having their teeth painfully treated by a dentist. Admit it or not, every dental procedure requires a specific amount of tolerance when it comes to pain. This is particularly true when your teeth have to undergo a root canal treatment.

 Root canal can be excruciating, especially when you have a low tolerance in pain. While there are other alternatives for it, this treatment may be the best option to endure. Here are the things you need to know about root canal treatments, straight from the experts at Santa Ana Dentistry:

What Is a Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment is mainly done to save the teeth from further damage. It is one great alternative to tooth extraction, where the tooth is still preserved. Root canal preserves the blood or nerve supply of an infected tooth. This will stop any further damages and will restore what it left.

How does the dentist go about it?

The dentist can finish the whole procedure in one to two hours, depending on the condition of the tooth. There are cases where more than one tooth undergoes root canal treatments. The process begins by cleaning the infected tooth and removing the infected pulp. Then, fillers are placed inside the tooth and sealed with a rubber-like material. In order to protect the tooth, a crown is placed tightly. The process may sound simple but the dentist has to do all steps in careful measures so that the infected tooth will cause no problem in the long run.

Why is it painful?

The level of pain actually is different from one case to another. There are cases in which no or little pain is felt while there are ones that need pain relievers. The answer relies on the severity of the condition. The most painful ones are those with abscess. However, dentists have found effective ways to make the tooth numb and lessen any possible experience of pain.

Root canal treatments should never be a scare. Santa Ana Dentistry has all the modern facilities to make every step of the procedure as painless and as comfortable as possible. For more details, visit http://www.designedsmiles.com/Santa-Ana-Dentistry.php.

Root Canal 101: Everything You Need to Know about Root Canal

Serious teeth problems can be saved and treated with a procedure called root canal. A root canal is the space in the root of a tooth, and is mainly composed of the main canals and the pulp chamber.

The treatment of root canal started when Philip Pfaff published this method by using gold as the filler. Now, root canal treatments are used worldwide to repair different dental problems. The Irvine dentistry is one of the most respected facilities that perform root canal treatments.

The Treatment Process

The treatment process for root canal may seem so simple since the dentist can finish it in an hour or two, depending on the severity of the dental problem. First, the dentist will need to clean the whole mouth to make sure that no bacteria will further harm the infected tooth. Once it is cleaned, the infected pulp is removed using dental tools. The inside of the tooth will be disinfected thoroughly so that when the fillers are installed, no other problems may occur. When this is done, the fillers are installed and sealed using gutta-percha. This is a rubber-like material that can tightly seal the fillers, providing protection to the tooth. Now, the tooth is placed with a crown for further protection.

Treatment Effects of Root Canals

Once the whole treatment is done, the dentist may require a follow-up check up to see the condition of the tooth. Ideally, a patient who has gone through the treatment can immediately see the effects. One of which is efficient chewing. People with damaged tooth usually have a hard time chewing and swallowing food. This will eventually lead to indigestion.

Root canal treatment can also fix the biting force, allowing ease in eating hard-textured foods. It also protects the teeth from wearing-out or staining, since it is crowned with durable materials. Last but not the least, it provides a wonderful smile in which a person can face the crowd more confidently.

These are the basic information you need to know about root canal. If you think you need this treatment, the best thing to do is go and visit your dentist. The Irvine dentistry can help you decide the best treatment for your dental concerns. Visit for more details.

Smart Eating Tips While On Braces

Braces are great solutions to align the teeth. Whether you are wearing metal braces or the all-new Fullerton Invisalign, one thing is for sure – you will feel a level of pain once your braces are tightened.

Fullerton Invisalign does not actually cause pain as compared to traditional metal braces. However, it may still bother you while you are eating. To maintain healthy eating habits, here are some smart eating tips while on braces:

1. Cut your food into small pieces. You never want to add more pressure to your tightened teeth. That is why you need to cut your food into smaller, bite-sized pieces. For example, instead of biting a whole piece of apple, cut them into smaller pieces that will allow you to simply chew and swallow. This also goes for crunchy and hard foods.

2. Invest more on easy-to-chew foods. It is normal to feel pain in the first couple of days, so you may want to cope up by eating meals with soft consistency. Examples of which are mashed potatoes, soup, pasta, puddings, and soups. Your meat intake should also be altered. Be sure to choose tender meats so you will not have to chew hard.

3. Say “no” to sweets for now. You may need to say ‘pass’ to that cookie and chocolate for the meantime as they can cause build up of plaques and cavities in the teeth. Dirt that builds up on braces would eventually lead to damaged teeth and more pain. You can eat sweets still, but not as often as before. If you do eat a serving, be sure to clean your mouth thoroughly afterwards.

4. If pain still persists, visit your dentist. The level of pain is different from one person to another. If you cannot tolerate the pain, visit your dentist so your braces can be adjusted. Your dentist can also prescribe a pain reliever for you. Most people would eat ice just to lessen the pain. You can also opt for frozen peas and apply it on the part that hurts.

These are simple but effective ways on how to lessen the pain while your teeth are on braces. To avoid inconveniences with metal braces, consider having a Fullerton Invisalign.

Managing Your Braces

Dental braces are used to align your teeth. These are often used to treat patients with underbites, overbites, malocclusions and other flaws of the teeth and jaws. The most advanced type of braces is called the Invisalign. It is made from flexible materials to lessen pain and allow thorough cleaning of the teeth. The La Habra Invisalign clinic specializes in placing braces, and you can depend on them to keep your teeth as healthy as possible while wearing braces.

Managing your braces is worth the effort. You will actually wear it for a long time and so you need to take care of your teeth to avoid any plaque build-up – which can possibly ruin your oral health. Here are some healthy tips on managing your braces:

  • You need to be prepared before the dentist puts on your braces. Invest on eating foods that are easily chewed like fruits, milk, potatoes and pudding. Also, stock up some cold treats as your braces may hurt once you begin wearing braces. It will also help in lessening any inflammation especially on the first few days.
  • Know what your dentist will do. It is good to ask questions so you know why the bondings, glues and bands are used. Typically, your dentist will initially clean your teeth, making sure that no food particle is left behind. Then, a glue is applied to your teeth as it is used to attach the brackets. Now, the dentist will put the archwire to properly align your teeth. Finally, the elastic bands are used to secure the braces in the right place. The Invisalign has a different method; it’s quicker than the conventional one so you may want to opt for it instead.
  • In the first few days of wearing braces, expect pain and mouth sores. It is normal. To remedy these side effects, just use an orthodontic wax to avoid incurring more sores. To use this, apply a pea-amount of the wax and press in on the brackets that hurt. Your dentist may also prescribe simple pain killers to lessen the pain.

Braces are great ways to achieve a healthy smile. The La Habra Invisalign can better help in managing pain. To know more about Invisalign, visit the Invisalign Clinic of Designed Smiles.

What You Need To Know About TMJ

TMJ is short for temporomandibular joint. It is located in the jawbone and it is the part responsible for jaw movement. TMJ is directly connected to the skull. It is a complex part of the body where nerves, muscles and cartilage work together in close proximity. With that, TMJ problems can be a scare. There are different TMJ problems that need extensive dental procedure and only a well-trained Brea dentist can treat it in safe ways. TMJ treatments are now better handled by means of technological advances. There are innovative dental tools that can easily correct TMJ problems in as quickly as possible.

If you think you have TMJ problems, here is the basic information you need to know:

Knowing the Symptoms

The symptoms of TMJ problem are obvious. It is starts from the feeling of pain around the jaw. In some cases, the neck and shoulders also are affected. The symptoms differ from one person to the next. The reason behind it is due to the fact that there are many types of TMJ cases. Some people sometimes hear a popping sound everything they move their mouth. Earaches are rare symptoms but it is possible. Other symptoms include:

Facial pain when a specific expression is made

Pain around the jaw

Difficulty in chewing or swallowing

The Causes Behind TMJ

TMJ disorders can be experienced when the disk moves out of its ideal alignment. As a result, a person may not be able to talk or chew properly. Most cases of TMJ disorders roots from damaged cartilage due to arthritis. Others are from accidents. Most dental experts see that teeth grinding, especially when done most often, is one of the main cause of TMJ disorders. Teeth grinding makes the teeth easily worn out. As a result, imbalance bite will occur.


Treatments Available

The causes and the symptoms of TMJ disorder are different from one person to another. The most common treatment is by using a bite guard. Bite guard will lessen the impact of teeth grinding and so the teeth is protected from damage. This can also be a part of preventive dental care especially in the early signs of teeth damage. A Brea dentist can diagnose a TMJ disorder by means of physical exam. Other procedure observing the motion of the jaw, pressing the jaw to identify the part affected. An x-ray or MRI may be needed to identify the specific part damaged.

Certain medications also are prescribed for non-surgical treatments. These cases usually are mild and can be corrected by simple means. Pain relievers, muscle relaxants and sedatives are often prescribed. In severe conditions, surgery, injections and arthrocentesis can be done. In some cases, physical therapy and counseling is combined with the treatments.

TMJ disorder can go from mild to severe. It is very important to seek the medical attention before it gets worst. A Brea dentist can diagnose and treat a TMJ disorder in the most efficient way, using state-of-the-art equipments.




Maybe You Need Sedation Dentistry Instead

You may not tolerate pain as well as others. This is true when you are about to see the dentist injecting your gums with a painful anesthesia. Dentists are some of the most fearsome medical professionals as they do inflict pain for the sake of your oral health. Even children are afraid of them and so these professionals do all sorts of tricks just to lure them into removing their decays.

Good thing there is an option where you do not have to feel the pain. In fact, it can relax you even more. This is called sedation dentistry. Sedation dentistry is the process of using pharmacological agents to help the patient be calm during an oral treatment. The drugs used are called sedatives which have an effect to the central nervous system.

A patient undergoing dental sedation will feel calmer and will so they will not have to feel any pain while having their teeth and gums treated. In Irvine dentistry, sedation process is becoming popular. The highly-technical dentists are sought-after for their quality service and treatments.


Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

There are many benefits that this dentistry provides. Of course, those who have low tolerance of pain can now go to the dentist worry-free. The popularity of massage centers and spa paved the way for this dentistry to become popular.

  • It offers relaxation. The use of pharmacological drugs will cause the patient to feel calmer as the relaxing hormones are secreted.
  • Increased patient cooperation. Most of the time, patients get anxious as they ask every detail of their treatment – even while under the procedure! Sedation dentistry makes it possible for patient cooperation as minimize pain, or none at all, is felt.
  • Time saving – there are treatments where the patients are sedated. This means that after the treatment, they will not to remember any of it at all. This is highly beneficial to children who have severe oral problem and yet do not want to visit the dentist.
  • Good control of gag reflex – it is inevitable for the patient to gag since different tools are used to treat a certain dental problem. When the patient is under sedation dentistry, the gag reflex is reduced and so the dentist can better perform the treatment in faster and more efficient ways.

 Types of Dental Sedation

There are basically 3 types of dental sedation: the inhalation, oral and intravenous. The difference of each relies on the route of the drugs. Inhalation is done by inhaling the drug, oral is by mouth and intravenous by injection. The type of sedation will be determined by the dentist or in mild cases, upon the choice of the patient.

Sedation dentistry may be appropriate for you. Be sure to consult a dentist before you opt for this kind of process. This may not be a good option if you have allergies to certain drugs or you are currently taking drugs that will contraindicate the sedation drugs.




Teeth Whitening Do’s and Don’ts

A set of perfect white teeth makes up a dashing smile. People from all over the world are mainly concerned about their teeth and would do everything just to give it a nice white polish. The Orange County Dental Clinic takes part in initiating awareness of maintaining a set of white teeth. These are great tips that the dentists recommend:

  1.  Brush and floss regularly. Brushing is not enough especially when you are fond of eating sticky foods. It is good to also floss regularly so that the food remnants will not stay in-between your teeth. Brushing should be done for a few minutes so as to allow the active ingredients to remove any stain-causing elements on the teeth.
  2.  Invest in eating crunchy fruits. Apples, pears, carrots, and other crunchy fruits and vegetables do contribute a set of healthy white teeth. They have natural substances that can remove the stains without adding any calories up!
  3.  Choose products with whitening agents. There are lots of oral health products you can choose, and they usually have a special ingredient for teeth whitening. Toothpaste, mouthwash, and even toothbrushes are now manufactured with teeth-whitening features. This is due to the fact that the demands of teeth-whitening products increased at a higher rate. There are also whitening kits available at different prices. This can be in the form of a mouthwash, mouth pieces, or gel. Home whitening kits can be more pricey but it does great wonders in improving the shade of your teeth.
  4.  Let your teeth be examined by a dentist regularly. Your dentist can provide you with practical ways to achieve a healthy smile. They can also do easy treatments that can instantly give you whiter teeth. The good thing about Orange County Dental Clinic is that they give advice on what food causes stain and which ones are not.
  5.  No to overuse. Be sure to follow what the doctor recommends or adhere to the instructions of any teeth-whitening products. Overuse can greatly damage your teeth, leading to severe oral problems.

A set of white teeth boost more confidence. Be sure to get yours white today. Visit the Orange County Dental Clinic today.