How Much Does Invisalign Treatment Cost?

Invisalign is becoming popular compared to conventional metal braces. Of course, who wouldn’t want to smile perfectly while having their teeth aligned?

Invisalign involves the technology of aligning your teeth without having to show metal braces. While it is an impressive procedure, the question that will always hang in interested patients’ minds is ‘how much will the whole procedure cost?’ Invisalign is a lot more expensive than metal braces, but of course, it does provide more benefits. This is due to the fact that only a few dentists are able to perform Invisalign to their patients. It takes a lot of training and expertise before dentists are certified to perform the procedure. The Yorba Linda Invisalign is one of the few clinics that specialize in performing Invisalign treatment.


Approximate Cost

The cost will depend on the patient’s case. The more complex the condition is, the more expensive the cost will be. Approximately, the whole procedure ranges from $4,000 to $9,000. However, there are clinics that only offer $2000 for simple cases. In the United States, the price also depends on which state the treatment is performed. It is better to ask your local specializing dentist about the actual rate of Invisalign treatment.

The Help of Insurance

Dental insurance may lessen the expenses in installing Invisalign, but the coverage varies from different insurance providers. In fact, there are some that do not cover Invisalign. The average insurance coverage a patient can get is $500 worth of treatment cost.

In case Invisalign is not covered by your dental insurance, the next best move is to talk to Yorba Linda Invisalign for payment options. The payments can be adjusted according to terms that are both agreeable by the patient and the dentist. The payment can be charged monthly for a span of one to two years. Commonly, the dentist will determine the average cost of the Invisalign treatment, the possible coverage by dental insurance, the flexible spending amount, and the down payment. Once it is computed, the monthly payment can be charged at an approximate amount of $45 per month for a year or $25 per month for two years.

These information should give you an idea as to how much Invisalign costs. The rate is actually affordable as compared to other extensive treatments. To know further, contact the Yorba Linda Invisalign at